It’s better to simply vent on my little read blog– especially now that I’ve moved it. Sometimes the people on The New York Times are so stupid that I do tell them so… but it’s rare that I give into that impulse, because there are enough insulting people out there spreading meanness. I get pissed off at people who pick fights with me for dumb reasons and feel tempted to indulge in insults… although I usually vent about it on my blog, rather than in a comment thread on Facebook. I fear that the Internet has really made people less civil than they once were. Why don’t you take a time out from hanging out with the big people posting on The New York Times and work on your insults? Stop wasting my time with your unoriginal foolishness.” I’m sure that somewhere in that smog filled head of yours, you can come up with insults that haven’t already been passed around like a plate of hors-d’oeuvres at a cocktail party. I generally don’t enjoy being condescending and rude to people, even when they are being insulting and rude to me, but maybe that would have been a good time to say something along the lines of, “You know, dearie, if you’re going to start up a dead comment thread on The New York Times, you really should try to do better with your put downs. In the end, I probably did alright in advising Lacey that she should show more respect to her elders. And I’m here to advise you all, dear readers, that it’s time to up your game and come up with something more original and clever. But now, I’m afraid it’s become a cliche. Obviously, some people think calling some random person “Karen” or “Susan” as a way of insulting them thought it was freakin’ hilarious at some point. You know, that might have been super funny when it first started. I also have a sister named Betsy, which is probably also being used as an insult by some empty-headed dipshit out there in Internetland. Incidentally, two of my sisters are named Becky and Sarah. I did some Googling and discovered that people have actually written articles about this phenomenon of co-opting common names of people of a certain age and using them as insults. For some reason, she felt compelled to rely on unfunny memes that have turned the names “Becky”, “Susan”, “Chad”, “Sarah”, or hell, “Hildegard”, into insults. And she didn’t even have the decency to be funny, original, or astute in her insults. There’s one in every crowd, don’tcha know. Naturally, “Lacey” from California had to come along and harass me some more.

But it was fun enough to spar with some of the butthurt on The New York Times’ Facebook page when the comment was fresh. There’s nothing racist about making that statement. It’s a statement of fact that I get spam from people in India, even though their government keeps shutting down their Internet.

First off, I’m not sure why my comments merited being insulted. She bowed out after that, but I was left thinking about what had just transpired. I told her that she should be learning a more respectful way to address her elders. Then she addressed me as “Susan” and “Karen”. “Here’s Boomer” was a popular show when I was a kid.